
Security for Cloud Native and Containers with Amir Jerbi

In our third episode of The IaC Podcast, we chat with Amir Jerbi—Aqua Security's Co-Founder and CTO.

IaC podcast cover photo featuring Amir Jerbi

About the Episode

In this episode, we sit down with Amir Jerbi who is the Co-Founder and CTO of Aqua Security, a platform that provides scalable security for the complete development-to-deployment lifecycle of containerized applications.

During the episode, we dive in to providing security for cloud native and containers, and how tools like trivy and tfsec can help teams quickly find and correct vulnerabilities before moving to production. We also discuss how checking for the configuration of Terraform, CloudFormation, and other IaC frameworks can further close security gaps for teams. Listeners will also learn how to implement security best practices for their organizations. Tune-in now! 

About the Guest

Amir brings decades of expertise on containers, Kubernetes, cloud security, enterprise software, software development and DevOps to the conversation. Amir formerly worked at CA Technologies in the security group, helping fortune 100 customers to secure their Linux and Windows hosts as they moved to virtualization technologies.

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